If they're just normal raffles, we currently allow 10k+ key raffles, as they're pretty open. We do allow raffles here, but they have to be pretty easy to 'fix'. A little lower than that can be cool too, but be reasonable. A safe bet for amount of keys/codes being given away is 1000. (So not just "buying" on the steam store etc.) On that note though, the Alpha/Beta has to be acquirable through abnormal means in some way. We do currently allow Alpha/Beta threads for F2P games. On top of that, we also allow free games (that are newer or older offers) that will give '+1' to your steam game count. Only post games that normally have a price, but are temporarily free to claim and kept forever. TF2 or Dota 2) or basic free weekends on Steam. We don't allow games that are always free (i.e. Just be cool, we're all just hanging out! While it should be common sense, it's now written out. The assumption before was that it wouldn't need to be said. Welcome! /r/FreeGameFindings is based around finding free games all over the place! Be it Steam, Epic, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, GOG, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo Consoles, we will find every last free Game and DLC we can, and get it to you! Rulesīe Respectful. Steam Store Origin Uplay Epic GOG XBOX Playstation Nintendo Who Are We? Show Only: Steam Store Origin Uplay Epic GOG Microsoft Xbox Playstation Nintendo The first time a phantasm would become a clone, it instead resummons itself and attacks again.Hide itch.io Games | Alt Method Hide Random Games | Alt Method Hide Delisted Games | Alt Method Hide Alienware | Alt Method Hide givekey/gamecode/Zito/Hunt/vLoot/Key-Hub | Alt Method Hide | Alt Method Hide All Above | Alt Method.The duration of incoming movement-impairing conditions is reduced by 25% Gain alacrity for each clone you shatter.Phantasms’ damage permanently increases whenever they attack or gain might.Gain quickness when you create a phantasm (More attacks in shorter time span).Creating an illusion increases your outgoing damage.Deal more damage to foes with a lower health percentage than you.I’m only going to touch on the specializations that greatly boost the power build. Very difficult and you could be killed easily but if you can keep in a tight-knit pack with lots of meat shields in front of you then the DPS is somewhat overwhelming for the other PVP players since they were building to resist “Condition Damage”, not direct “Power Damage”.You can cause a surprising amount of damage to WvW players because they are not focused on taking direct damage but you have little to no defensive capability and if you get hit you could suffer from DOT even if they break off the attack. The game AI is not currently capable of countering Mesmer fight tactics.
#Reddit guild wars 2 free to play limits full#

Critical Chance: Increases critical hit chance.“Critical Chance” for more critical hits.Power: Increases outgoing direct damage.Support “Direct Damage” with attributes:.Mind Wrack (Shatter) When Replacements Are Ready (You have two Shatters with this build).Attack using Confusing Images (Then Swap).Drop Ether Clone (every 3 hits) (Then Swap).Drop Bonus Adds if you have one (like the mistfire wolf) (Then Swap).Drop Illusionary with Phantasmal Berserker.I can solo all low-level bosses and most mid-level bosses, like the “Bandit Bosses”, which usually takes about 5 or more people (slow but doable). My goal was to spam clones out of the detection range of adds or bosses and then spam long range attacks. For this build, I only focused on 3 simple concepts: “ Distraction“, “ Power” and “ Crit“.